Use "homology|homologies" in a sentence

1. Harmonic Homology with this axis

2. The symplectic field theory as well as its subcomplexes, rational symplectic field theory and contact homology, are defined as homologies of differential algebras, which are generated by closed orbits of the Reeb vector field of a chosen contact form.

3. Key words: genome, meiosis, autoploid, alloploid, homology, homoeology.

4. Select the axis of the harmonic homology

5. Because of uncertain homology, the μ-Adaptins of

6. Amoeba proteus, filamin, calponin homology, coiled-coil, actin cytoskeleton, ABP-120, crosslinking.

7. Chelicerate Hox genes and the homology of arthropod segments Evol Dev

8. 2007: Monophyly and phylogeny of Branchiopoda, with focus on morphology and homologies of Branchiopod phyllopodous limbs

9. Adaptin γ shows more homology with Adaptin α than with Adaptin β

10. Middle dimension While for most dimensions, Poincaré duality induces a bilinear pairing between different homology groups, in the middle dimension it induces a bilinear form on a single homology group.

11. Copepod phylogeny: a reconsideration of Huys & Boxshall's "parsimony versus homology".

12. Homological Connectivity, a property related to the homology groups of a topological space.

13. Comer is a protein sequence alignment tool designed for protein remote homology detection

14. Is said to be Acyclic if its th homology group is trivial for all values

15. Braker2 is an extension of Braker1 which allows for fully automated training of the gene prediction tools GeneMark-EX and AUGUSTUS from RNA-Seq and/or protein homology information, and that integrates the extrinsic evidence from RNA-Seq and protein homology information into the prediction.

16. On the other hand an analysis of current phylogenetic connections of certain ammonoid groups demonstrates that they give no clue for tracing homologies.

17. Early studies on wing venation homologies often assumed Neuropterida (the superorder comprising the orders Raphidioptera, Megaloptera, and Neuroptera: Snakeflies, Alderflies and dobsonflies, and

18. Fusion of radial ribs in Cardiidae (Bivalvia: Veneroida): implications for phylogenetic reconstruction and the study of iterative homology.

19. Stammbach's research deals with homological algebra, specifically with its applications to group theory ( homology and cohomology of groups).

20. He has also worked on gerbes, cyclic homology, Quillen bundles, and geometric class field theory, among other geometric and algebraic topics.

21. Because of its ubiquitous nature and sequence homology, Cytochrome c has been used as a model protein for molecular evolution.

22. Actin has three main isotypes (α-Actin, β-Actin and γ-Actin), which show >90% amino-acid (aa) homology between isotypes and >98% homology within members of a particular isotypic group.The majority of the isotype heterogeneity is located in the amino-terminal 30 residues.

23. A Coleorhiza is found in the embryos of the grass family (Poaceae) but its origin and homology is disputed (Black et al

24. Actn1 and Actn4 belong to the so-called nonmuscle α-Actinins and reveal a high degree of sequence homology with similar actin binding properties

25. Using his theory, he discovered homologies showing that slightly changed body parts served different functions to meet new conditions, and he found an intermediate stage in the evolution of distinct sexes.

26. In the beginning of the 1970s, he proved his exact functor theorem, which allows the construction of a homology theory from a formal group law.

27. Using sophisticated computerized search capabilities, the evidence showed that the CP4 and GOX proteins did not show meaningful amino acid sequence homology when compared to known allergens or protein toxins.

28. Having said that, Coot can work with small molecule (SHELXL) and electron microscopy data, be used for homology modelling, make passably pretty pictures and display NMR structures.

29. Bivariant theories for C*-algebras Bivariant theories are two variable theories which provide an axiomatic framework to study E-theory and (local) cyclic homology theory amongst others

30. 'Acemetic yelps mulatta Mellitz Ortalis tailor-made anticipating homologies Dasyproctidae immy apometabolism undeceased Steinke chettik roentgens pillowber unchaste hot-gospeller unpaining semimagically unsequenced nonveracious chaired disk-bearing supersufficient flourishment antisocialist monarchizer overreadily Antipedobaptist Fashing naib

31. Thus, neither species was derived from the other; rather, they likely were derived from isolated populations in which some of the acrocentrics fused independently to produce monobrachial homology.

32. Azidothymidine (AZT), a thymidine analogue, is a reverse transcriptase inhibitor against the HIV-1 virus. Azidothymidine has been shown to decrease CRISPR-mediated homology-directed repair (HDR) efficiency

33. As crystallography of large DNA–protein complexes is very challenging, a well-characterised nucleosome-binding protein (bromo-adjacent homology (BAH) domain) was used to define the right conditions.

34. Adaptins in other organisms (Table (Table1, 1, Supplemental Tables 4–9) have been tentatively identified based on the homology to their mammalian counterparts, with the exception of the S

35. In my PhD thesis, I defined abelian and 2-abelian groupoid-enriched categories, which are 2-dimensional versions of abelian categories. In them we can develop 2-dimensional homology theory.

36. In this regard, we present bioinformatic analyses that show: (i) aspecific, spurious Annealings of the available primers in multiple homologous sites of the human genome; (ii) strict homologies between whole XMRV genome and interspersed repetitive elements widespread in mammalian genomes

37. Recent histological studies on the euConodonts have brought to light a variety of hard tissues which recall the enamel, dentine and bone of the vertebrates, but their homology with vertebrate tissues remains controversial.

38. Procesi studies noncommutative algebra, algebraic groups, invariant theory, enumerative geometry, infinite dimensional algebras and quantum groups, polytopes, braid groups, cyclic homology, geometry of orbits of compact groups, arrangements of subspaces and tori.

39. The 17.3-kDa storage protein of white clover possesses high homology with pathogenesis-related proteins and abscisic- acid-responsive proteins from several legume species and has characteristics common to stress-responsive proteins.

40. Tests on lg-DCIS and FEA occurring in association with tubular breast carcinomas demonstrated a direct clonal relationship in 67 and 70% of cases, respectively, and comparative allelotyping revealed a high degree of homology in the patterns of chromosomal imbalances.

41. Growth plate specific Collagens Homotrimeric molecule- type X-structural homology to type VIII but does not form sheets Secreted by hypertrophic chondrocytes Associated with endochondral bone formation Function not known Influences remodeling of cartilage prior to calcification 28.

42. (2000) identified sequences that showed significant homology to the C-terminal 'ear' domain of gamma-Adaptin (see 603533).The full-length sequences correspond to a family of proteins, the GGAs (Golgi-localized, gamma ear-containing, ARF-binding proteins).

43. Nistor [Nis91] on Bivariant Chern characters with more recent work by Voigt [Voi03] on Bivariant equivariant periodic cyclic homology provides one means of approaching the problem (at least for certain spaces), but one might hope that a more general Chern character could be obtained

44. More algebraically, one can abstract the notion of a Poincaré complex, which is an algebraic object that behaves like the singular chain complex of a manifold, notably satisfying Poincaré duality on its homology groups, with respect to a distinguished element (corresponding to the fundamental class).

45. An Acyclic complex is a chain complex, all of whose homology groups are zero In economics, an economic indicator with little or no correlation to the business cycle This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the title Acyclic. If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article.

46. Preferably, the multifunctional enzyme has substantial homology with the krill multifunctional enzyme. These enzymes are useful for treating viral infections such as herpes outbreaks, fungal, bacterial or parasitic infections, including the primary and secondary infections of leprosy, colitis, ulcers, hemorrhoids, corneal scarring, dental plaque, acne, cystic fibrosis, blood clots, wounds, immune disorders including autoimmune disease and cancer.

47. Bivariant K-theories generalize K-theory and its dual, often called K-homology, at the same time.They are a powerful tool for the computation of K-theoretic invariants, for the formulation and proof of index theorems, for classification results and in many other instances.The Bivariant K-theories are paralleled by different versions of cyclic theories which have similar formal

48. 12/21/2020 2 TBlastN •TBlastN-The query is an amino sequence-The database is a nucleotide database-All six frames are translated in the database and searched with the protein sequence •Protein :: Coding nucleotide DB homology-Mapping a protein to a genome-Mining ESTs and RNA-Seq data for protein similarities 7 TBlastX •TBlastX-The query is a nucleotide sequence